Capture Your Grief Day 24: Forgiveness

I keep reflecting back to conversations that I have had over the past week, with women who have become close to me. I expressed my difficulty in being able to find forgiveness. I was asked (in a couple different ways)… Do I believe that my heart can be changed?

My answer?

After today. After realizing how broken this world is (even in this small city we call home), I see how important it is for US to be able to find forgiveness. ALL. OF. US. For me, forgiving someone doesn’t mean I approve of their behavior, it means I’m letting it go of what they have done for my own healing and peace. I think if we were quicker to forgive than to get angry and hold grudges, this world would be a much better place.

Today, an awful thing happened. There was a shooting at a high school only a couple of miles from our house. At the high school Caleb will go to if we are still living here. At the high school that so many friends and family of friends are affiliated. Many families are hurting tonight, and my heart hurts for them. If the stories are true about the “motive” the shooter had, maybe something as simple as forgiveness could have saved lives and heartache. Maybe he could have found peace. Tonight, while rocking my son to sleep, I held him closer and tighter than ever before. I imagine so many mothers in our community are doing the same tonight while they pray for peace for the families involved in this terrible situation, and pray that their child never feels the pain the children today experienced.

Recently I have been let down, disappointed, and down right pissed off by people in my life.
Today opened my eyes. Today opened my heart.
Today I am choosing to forgive.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

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